, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Baked Porky Popps

Baked Porky Popps

>> Thursday, November 24, 2011

My sister introduced a new junkfood-- hahaha.. It's actually the chicharon for junkfood eaters. Not that Chicharon itself is a good food to be precise, but just imagine, pork fat being squeezed from the fat itself-- grease or not, it's still fat and well, too much is unhealthy. But for food lovers like me, chicharon is okay, for as long as you get the kind from SLERS, or those from Monterey Tomas Saco (not a paid post okay, lol..), and NOT too much in just one sitting. Betteryet, share it! Company always delights in food--- agree?

Anyway, Baked Porky Popps is actually good for my tastebuds. I specially like the one in red packet. And it's also affordable. You can buy it from groceries everywhere. When we bought all four packets, I thought that the Retail POS System at the grocery was broken that it showed a very small amount, but then we realized it was really that affordable.

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