, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Crispy Pork (Lechon Kawali)

Crispy Pork (Lechon Kawali)

>> Friday, December 18, 2020

We have been craving for Crispy Pork, that was why we had Lechon Belly previously. Unfortunately, there was no crispy skin because the delivery gave me a wrong order, but was very late for me to return. So Tr. Gil made those for our meal today. 

Here is the procedure:
First, the pork was salted and boiled, cooled, then deep-fried.
They were allowed to rest so the oils will drip. Very simple steps, right? No frills, really.
When they were cool enough, they were sliced to bite-sized pieces.
Then served with Many Toma's Lechon Sauce (the last packet from the Philippines), Ketchup and Vinegar with lots of Garlic. Our choice of dips..
The crunchy skin is to die for...
But dying is not in my plans when I eat, so I had mine with Quinoa mixed with French Beans and Bean Sprouts.

Soo good..


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