, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: A Taste of New Zealand

A Taste of New Zealand

>> Sunday, March 6, 2016

Today we attended the free orientation seminar for New Zealand Immigration at Grand Caprice. It was fully packed, and there were three Kiwis who oriented us on the different schools to enroll in. Well, it was more like selling their schools, hahahaha.. Reminds me of my job as GCPO and Marketing Officer in a school I previously worked in. 

Anyway, after the talks, we had the question and answer portion, and chocolates were given to those who can give the correct answers. We had fun before the open forum. 

After dinner, we tried the chocolate.. True enough, there were Peanuts in the Milk Chocolate bar.. 

It's our first time to try New Zealand chocolate, and it was okay. Quite similar to a local brand that we sometimes eat. Thank you Mr. Joel Angon, answering the question correctly means I was really attentive in all talks, hahahaha.. Most importantly, Lili was happy. She was the one who kept telling me to answer a question so we could win a chocolate.. hehehe

Anyway, I wonder if there are gibson acoustic guitars for sale in New Zealand. Buying from there may be cheaper than buying abroad. Considering, the person who wants to buy one is already in NZ. And he said he will send some chocolates too.. hahaha

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