, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: It's Not Expensive

It's Not Expensive

>> Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My co teachers told me that I am spending too much for my shakes, and they said I should just join then for their coffee time. But I know my stand.. I love my shakes and they keep me healthy. Besides, I know I have saved a lot on food while getting healthier.. 

My replacement meal for breakfast is just amazing.. It costs less, and it gives me more for health.. Having embraced a healthy lifestyle have its advantages. And I swear it costs less because I know now that those unhealthy foods that we used to indulge in are quite expensive on the pockets as well as the health costs, especially when we get sick. When we go to the groceries now, we always look at the health benefits, and healthy foods are not at all expensive. All the more when you think of what they can do to the body. That is why I am loving my program.. Apart from the shakes, we are taught everything that we need to be healthier.. 

I will never argue with anyone, but above is my result so far.. Still, I am a work in progress.. I will be in my ideal weight soon.. 

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