, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Our Simple Christmas Eve Dinner

Our Simple Christmas Eve Dinner

>> Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It was just me, Lili, Sweet and an aunt for Christmas. We didn't go to my parents' because I had lots of orders for my online gig. I had to finish them before it becomes Christmas in the other side of the world.  So yay! I had lots of blessings on Christmas eve here in the Philippines. Although I ordered two boxes of Fruitcake from Chef Chary, the sister of fellow mommy blogger, Mommy Tina, we only managed to eat less than half of one box. It tasted really good. I think I will order from her again next year. P 400 a box is worth the taste. 

Anyway, I didn't prepare much because there are just four of us. And Christmas day, we shall proceed to spend Christmas with the rest of the family. I was supposed to buy Boneless Ham from Oro Ham, but during our GAD, people from SLERS sold us their Sweet Ham for only P 200 a box, so I bought one, and served it for our Christmas eve dinner. I have another kind of SLERS ham, but it's for Christmas Day breakfast. 

 We had Green Apples as Lili love Green Apples, and some Candy Canes.. 

We also had some Goya Dark Chocolates as well as White Chocolate, plus Apollo Checkers and Pandan Stick Wafers, and bite size Baby Ruth Chocolates. We didn't really eat them all, but we enjoyed munching on them after dinner. 

 Our simple Egg Pie, one that we always loved.. from Goldilocks.

 Seedless Grapes and Keso de Bola..

Of course, our pasta dish, which looks messy, thanks to a Vietnamese brand of Vegetable Pasta which I made into Carbonara.. It's actually yummy! I can brag about it and I can even remake the Carbonara sauce if and when I would like to.. 

 My sister's home made, no-bake Brownies..

Another pasta dish, Chicken Macaroni with lots of cheese and onions..

Of course, add some wine and other drinks... Solved!

After dinner, we had movie marathon, while I continued working online, and some beer for my sister and aunt, and wine for me.. We slept late, but woke up earlier than expected.. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

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