, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Cake Designs

Cake Designs

>> Saturday, December 8, 2012

If you are a race car driver, how would you like to have your victory cake decorated? Would you rather have vehicle lettering here and there? Or would it be a life-size car that actually moves as one drives? Huh! Quite imaginative there.. But I never thought that both can be possible until I saw it done on television at Cake Boss. That was truly awesome. There was even this huge ship, that is a complete replica of the cruise ship where the cake was brought for the ships anniversary. Ohlala! When one is a pastry chef, he or she is actually an artist. With all the many designs to do the yummy treats into, that is art. But doing it with flair is just extraordinary. At least if you ask me. I mean, I have always dreamed of doing such, but at this day and age, I am not able to, so that part remains to be truly amazing for me, when someone else does it. Anyway, I know there are a lot more to see, as there are many food artists out there. 

Hope someday, I could be one of them..

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