, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: The Move, The Beach and Fresh Sea Food..

The Move, The Beach and Fresh Sea Food..

>> Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yesterday we went as early as 4 in the morning to move things to my parents temporary abode in Opol, as well as to our new apartment here in Macasandig. I thought we'd all be staying at the apartment but my father said he is not comfortable there so the idea of moving in Opol before moving to their new home in Gran Europa. 

 After our first round of moving stuff, we decided, since my mom had been coughing and the two kids had been having runny nose, to go to the beach and take a dip. Eventually, since there were lots of peddlers selling fresh fish, we had breakfast at the beach too..

A lady peddler offered to have the fish broiled at a minimal fee, and another peddler sold boiled sweet potatoes. And that was a hearty, fresh breakfast for us. 

We also bought some fishes and crabs to take home for lunch. When we went to get stuff from the Balulang house, which was hit by TS Sendong flash flood, we saw the old couch and sofa. I wish we could find  discount upholstery fabric for the sofa, so we can have it changed. But my family decided not to take them anymore. 

The move continued on until we got tired of moving stuff to two different houses. My stuff at the apartment were mostly heavy as they are the books I have collected over the years. I guess if I didn't move out of my parent's place, they'd also be gone by now. 

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