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Lunch, Dessert and the tokens from Culinary Institute of Cagayan de Oro

>> Sunday, February 19, 2012

Photo borrowed from Vince Udasco
We were invited to attend a baking demo by Chef Hasset Go at the Culinary Institute of  Cagayan de Oro, and I was happy to be part of it for just quite a while as the chef actually allowed us to do some of the things he did like folding ingredients, setting or even decorating or arranging garnish. The invitation was at 9 am but since we had to wait for a few more attendees, we started an hour late. And so we were only able to finish two cakes. 

 The Caramel Custard Cake, which was heavenly.
 And of course, the awaited Chocolate Truffle Cake, which was divine.
A slice of the yummy Chocolate Truffle Cake wouldn't be enough to satiate my chocolate cravings which automatically occurred as soon as I saw the finished product...

Good that we were given a slice of each cake to share as the seven of us were done with the delicious lunch.
The Chicken was to die for. I wonder if their students prepared them too. I loved how juicy the chicken was, and how the taste develops every time you chew. Anyway, if it's CIC recipe, I wish to learn about it so I can prepare it for myself too.
 To cap the visit, we were each given the above cookie packets, and they were actually prepared by CIC students as tokens for today's open house... I didn't get to taste them, but Lili and River says they were good. So I take their word for them..

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