, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Kakanin- always my favorite!

Kakanin- always my favorite!

>> Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I have always liked kakanin since I grow up toa family who loves to prepare them for snacks. But as things got busy in life, I appreciate the fact that there are actually many people selling kakanin nowadays. But then we can not be certain if they are made clean unless we know the people who make them. 

Kakanin is a term coined for Filipino delicacies made of sticky rice or cassava or anything sweet or that which sends good vibes to the snacking Filipinos. Aside from the usual treats that I have enjoyed for years, I have discovered new ones in Butuan City, during our visit.

 Above are the Cassava Balls rolled in Shredded Young Coconut. I loved how that tasted.. 

Above is deep fried sticky rice with sweet yam as filling. That is also good, but I feel too heavy with the combination of the sticky rice and yam.

Above is actually common to me, except that this Bukayo is not too sweet. I do not know how that can be when the young coconuts were caramelized. I guess it depends on the sugar used.

I am excited to know more as my aunt told me that there are actually new discoveries and new combinations.. Well, until our next visit... 

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