, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon

Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon

>> Friday, December 9, 2011

We always liked Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon, whenever we eat at Tita Fannies. Now that they have opened shop here in Macasandig, I find it much better that we can satisfy our Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon cravings as easily and as near than before. 
Bought one sometime ago and I was really glad that I was the first costumer for the afternoon. I was able to get photos of how Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon is cut/served for takeout...
The removal of the string. The string actually holds the meat together so that the spices and herbs won't fall off while it is cooked on the roaster.
So there, I saw what makes Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon flavorful..  Then the chopping into bite sizes.. I checked and the chopping board was clean before the attendant started doing his routine.. 
Technically, the chopped Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon then will be served in their serving plates, if one is to dine in at the shop in Corrales, but since my order at Macasandig Branch was for take out, the chopped meat was placed in a foil, impeccably wrapped and placed inside their take out bags.. 

The taste of Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon is good. Better than your everyday liempo as it has flavors of the herbs and spices that were placed in between. It is also synonymous to lechon thus the name, but it is much better than lechon...Oh, and if you have problems, Tita Fannies Liempo de Lechon is comfort food, especially on days when auto collision estimating software is what you have been looking into from breakfast to lunch till dinnertime, lol.. What could cheer you up after knowing that you have so much to pay and so much to spend to make your vehicle look like new..

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