, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Media Noche of Sendong Survivors...

Media Noche of Sendong Survivors...

>> Saturday, December 31, 2011

My group and I, the CDO Bloggers Inc went around Barangay Pita, Kauswagan, in Macanhan and in Balulang to give Tropical Storm Sendong survivors some Media Noche items. This morning, we cooked Biko and prepared the Media Noche loot as well before distributing them in the afternoon. 

 That's Venus and Rob mixing the biko with the sugar syrup...
 This Biko is supposedly yummy, because it is especially made with buko in it...
 And "lunok" on top..
They were placed in disposable or reusable containers and when we gave them to the surviors, some of them could not wait to eat the Biko for they have not had lunch or breakfast yet...

Apart from Biko, we also gave Bihon ingredients, a large loaf of bread and a 1.5 bottle of softdrink..

There were actually two bags that each family received, one from the in-kind donations of Iloilo Bloggers Inc. and of course, the other would be from the Paypal donors and sponsors...
I hope, with the goodies we gave, TS Sendong survivors had a good media noche as they welcomed the New Year 2012...

Here's a video to match this post:

Happy New Year everyone... 

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