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Making Noodle Soup That's Healthy & Nutritious and Our Christmas Foodies

>> Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We have received so many packs of noodles, along with grocery items and all others, from friends who extended help after they learned that my family is one of Tropical Storm Sendong's victims. Here is what I did to make the food more healthy and nutritious. A hearty breakfast before we did our chores...

Here is the recipe:

3 portions of Chicken, sliced and seasoned
1 bulb onion, diced
Baguio beans, sliced

Sauteed the chicken, onions and garlic, added water and allowed it to boil. Added the noodles. and the  Baguio beans, plus the flavoring. Voila! A hearty noodle soup that is yummy and nutritious...

In the afternoon, we cooked Spaghetti, but didn't have the proper dish to serve it, so it's simply placed in the pot where the pasta was cooked.
My aunt cooked Chicken Kaldereta minus some of the ingredients... and had to stay in the carajay since we didn't have the proper dish to serve it too...
As for our Christmas dinner, we simply ordered Super Family Premium All Meat Tuscani pizza from Pizza Hut and got a second one, Family sized Bacon and Ham Pizza for free courtesy of my Palm Card.

And bought Jelly Roll and Mocha cake from Kathryn's, as there were already no more cakes available at Red Ribbon and Goldilocks. 

Brother's girlfriend's aunt sent us yummy cupcakes and my aunt who was also a Sendong survivor sent yummy Kutchinta with cheese... 
Seems that the Mocha cake was the first to go, lol.. Thanks to that lady who kept pushing me, I was given the order first instead of her. Hahaha...

Well, Merry Christmas everyone.. it may not be as merry as the previous years, but it was blessed all the same.. 

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