, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Korean Coolers

Korean Coolers

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today, our little brother celebrated his birthday at home. Everything was doing okay,  not until the obvious was  so pronounced when everyone wanted something really cool to melt the heat away. So Auntie Vicky sent us to buy Korean Coolers at the Korean Mart across West City Central, it was like a crazy trip to Korea itself,  cramped up in the vehicle, we still managed to smile, lol.. The two ladies at the shop are Koreans, one older and another, younger. At first they were both serious looking and the the older woman was cross. I think she was bothered because  we took lots and lots of pictures with our Asian pose, just like the pictures you see here. They didn't accept credit cards so Manong Ondo had to be sent there for financial rescue, lol.. So while waiting for him, I  took the liberty of buying the coolers below:

Melon: Pinky,
Pinipig taste-alike: Honey, 
Ice cream Sandwich: Mine,
Fish shaped Ice cream Sandwich: Sweet

All four cost me P 210.0, but I can not tell you the price for each as I forgot to ask. All I know is that 3 items  cost P 55 each and 1 is for P 45, I just do not know which exactly..
Kyna took the photos since she did not want to eat while there. But when we reached home, she ate the drumstick look alike (P 75.00) but is thinner than our usual drumstick here in the Philippines.

All the rest of the people enjoyed the Korean Coolers too.

That's just 1 basket, shown twice to show you what P 1070 allowed us to get.
See the bag I am holding? That's their special bag to keep our frozen delights from melting once sealed while in transport. That is why, when we reached home, and everyone reached out for his or her share of the treat, each item is still good as when we took them from the Korean Mart's freezer.

Thanks to Auntie Vicky for the treat. It was a different way to cool the heat..

I also bought a liter of  Tomato Juice (P 180) and 2 bottles of Rice wine (P 85 each) to sample.

A pose before we left the Korean Mart..


Perfectly Blended May 10, 2010 at 10:11 AM  

Nice one... I want to try this one too. :)

i♥pinkc00kies May 16, 2010 at 9:35 AM  

Nice! I wanna try that fish-shaped ice cream coz I've heard it's good. Try the banana milk, choco milk and strawberry milk from the Korean grocery. My sister uber likes them!! We also love the Pepero cookie sticks with almonds ;)

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