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Hungry for a Ride

>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In the mood for some fiction? I wrote some crazy story patterned over my friend's Danielle's winning the lotto. Although the story is different, but what is fiction if it is based on real life? Then it would no longer be fiction right?

Read the story below:

Dave, a young executive never thought he'd win in the daily lotto. And when he finally saw that he did, he thought of buying something that he had been hungry for all his life. And NO, it's not Pizza, lol.. It's the latest model of his favorite ride, the nissan sentra. But his mother insisted that he get a more environment friendly car, the honda insight. Unfortunately, Dave's father overheard their longstanding debate and said that he should get a kia rio and use the remaining funds to fix the fence. And because Dave is much more confused now than ever, he went to see his Aunt Lucille who offered him an apple pie instead. Unable to help him, he proceeded to claim his loot. Seeing the check made him think all the more. He could actually buy three cars with the amount. But he only want to spend for one. He proceeded to deposit the check to his bank account, and splurged on an apple flavored ice-cream on a cone. He continued walking to get a drift of the days events.. He never felt hungry, he just wants to make the best decision on what car to buy.

By late afternoon, Dave was already very tired thinking about his ride, so he hopped on a taxi. While taking his easy time as the taxi cruised the empty streets, he then remembered an old Chevy that his grandfather used to own. By the time he was in front of his door, just when he was about to turn the knob to open, he finally made a decision. He will have the Chevy fixed and have it look like its former glory..

hmm.. What do you think? Did I make you yawn or did I make you hungry? hahaha.. Here, have some Pineapple Guava Summer Slush, with Cherry on Top, lol...

Enjoy your day..


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