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Ham and Cheese and Pontiac Accessories

>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010

There is nothing more delicious than having the best brewed coffee for breakfast, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and fresh from the toaster, ham and cheese sandwich with all the gooey cheese melting in your mouth.

Well, that is how I often see my favorite food as much as my BFF sees his Pontiac & Pontiac accessories. Gloriously delicious! Well, if you have the car in raving hot red-orange, why wouldn't it be? I can almost imagine a crusty, creamy, gooey dessert while looking at his new baby. hahaha.. Don't get me wrong. Just my way of having fun out of this warm and dark night courtesy of our rotational brown out here in our city.

But really, if you are looking for car accessories and stuff for your car, check out the site where BFF got his cool, unrivaled babies. At, you can find anything and everything related to your car and car accessories needs. Of course, if you are hungry and would want a piece of cake and cool desserts, you will not find them there. But if you drive a mile perhaps, then you will be at your favorite bistro or cafe. So keep your car gassed up for such occasion may come anytime. If you are hungry and would very much like to sample my recipes, then drive by my place and see what I shall serve you.

Hmm.. Sounds yummy right? If you agree to take me to the market to buy a few more ingredients, then you are welcome to stay for lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next day, lol.. On the fun side, we can all go to the beach or the mountains for some dry picnic.. Shall I give the girls a holler now?

Well, what do you think?


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