, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Banks and Pizza

Banks and Pizza

>> Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lili and I have had this routine of cashing out from the bank and then proceed to her favorite Pizza place, do the other tasks within the area, then proceed to another bank to deposit funds.

My cousin who is new in Manchester along with her friends reminds me so much of me and Lili. She shares that on her first week, she and her buddies had to scout around for banks in Manchester and when they were able to find one, they went ahead and proceeded to look for the best Manchester pizza. After they found the place, and found that they needed more cash, they went around looking for banks Manchester again. Lol..

Well, technically, it's a different drift there, but if Lili were to say it, "Bank, Pizza, Bank.. Mommy, it's a Pattern!"

Oh my Lili always amazes me with her antics and remarks.

Anyway, the other day I saw some friends and Lili whispered to have another trip to the pizza place after we’re done talking, fortunately for her, we went ahead and proceeded to go to Pizza Hut. She couldn’t help but smile and whispered to ask if we’re also going to the bank afterward because she knows that that was our pattern. I couldn't help but laugh.

So I explained to her that everything does not have to be a pattern. That whatever we do, for as long as they are not necessary, need not follow a pattern. She looked at me with her bright smiling eyes and said that she understood clearly. No further questions, she just started eating her pizza like it’s the most delicious food in the world, lol..

Anyway, it was a very good breather for a very busy day. I always feel relaxed when Lili and I would go out. Whether we eat out, watch a movie or simply play at Worlds of Fun, we end up having a great time.


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