, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: JOLLIBEE FOR LILI


>> Thursday, April 23, 2009

Zarelle always liked Jollibee Spaghetti. Today, she asked me to buy her favorite foodies. Jollibee Spaghetti, burger and fries. I bought myself a CHAMP. hehehe....

Whenever we go out, our stop is always Jollibee. Unless of course some changes occur and we end up eating somewhere else. Hmmm, which reminds me. One time Lazar arrived with no foodie in hand, so we ended up going out. Daddy wanted us to simply buy the food on take out so we headed for Jollibee Kauswagan for the drive through. When we passed by Jollibee Vamenta, Zarelle said she wants us to eat inside, but Daddy said we should just go for the drive through. When we were done with the drive thru, of course we headed back home, passing by Jollibee Vamenta again. We passed by the bridge only to turn back and go to Jollibee Vamenta because Zarelle was about ready to explode. Daddy was a bit reluctant to be bringing the food we ordered from Jollibee Kauswagan so I told him we should just order another set, just a single set for the sake of buying so it wont be much embarrassing to be going inside the Vamenta branch. So there we were, in the corner, eating our foodies when we settled in...


i♥pinkc00kies June 27, 2009 at 9:48 AM  

i've always been a fan of jolly spaghetti and peach mango pie!

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