, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: CRABS


>> Thursday, April 23, 2009

This recipe is actually from my best friend Gay C. J., or otherwise known to DTR and Me as Gagay. She had us taste this special crab recipe at one of their fiesta celebrations. And I was so fortunate that one time, she allowed me to peek into the cooking and join her too. That's how I learned to prepare this great foodie. But of course, I recreated and made my version, with my signature in the food.

This is how the crabs looked when they are near the cooked state. Actually this is about done but I just had to simmer the sauce. The ingredients are simple too. All you will need are a.) Crabs, b.) soy sauce, c.) vinegar, d.) onions, e.) garlic and f.) sprite. Unfortunately guys, I cannot tell you how much each ingredient you should put since I do not measure when I cook. I simply use my nose and taste buds for the magic. And of course, the most important ingredient of all is "LOVE". Well, I learned that from my mother and my grandmothers, both Lola Viating and Lola Berta. The three of them often say that when you cook with love, or if you are preparing the food for the people you love, there is magic. And the food transforms itself to being the best tasting food ever....

The beauty of this dish is that you can prepare for a battalion, and if not all of them arrives on time, you simply freeze the dish and reheat when the next batch of hungry warriors arrive.... In fact, I love this dish even when it's cold... well, I wouldn't be called Ice Queen if I don't, hahahaha....


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