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Pata Tim ni Sweetie

>> Sunday, December 28, 2014

My sister is a great cook. Here's one recipe that she did today for lunch. The pork used here is still part of our Christmas noche buena budget, which we did not cook anymore due to the fact that we already had too many pork recipes that evening, which are still in the refrigerator.. hahaha.. We do not eat much pork as we used to-- and that's good :-) 

The twist in my sister's recipe here is that, she made sure there are lots of healthy ingredients in the dish, to balance with the pork itself. So shown here are Bananas.. which is a healthy alternative to rice.. It also adds flavor to the dish, with its natural sweetness.. 

Make sure to add it when the pork is already cooked, and it is already tender. 

To serve, we used a rectangular deep tray. First we arranged the bananas on the sides, took the whole pata and placed it in the middle. Picked up all the other ingredients such as the pineapples, the mushrooms, and placed them on top of the pata. The remaining sauce then is drizzled on top. 

It is optional to bake this for at least 5 minutes, as this is already good to go. 

Take off the fat and that plate above is already a healthier way of eating Pata Tim... By the way, I will share the recipe on the next post.. 
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