, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: For His Future

For His Future

>> Monday, November 3, 2014

There is this student who I admire very much. He sells Munchkins in his class, and before going home in the afternoon, he would go from classroom to classroom, from one office to another untill all his Munchkins are gone. 

He usually comes by our office and one time I bought some from him. I never really have any intention of eating his Munchkins due to the calories they may add to my weight. I buy and give to another. 

This afternoon's encounter was different though. I got to learn more about the child and why he keeps this business going. I learned that the boy's got a very good singing voice. How I knew? Well, it has been a habit of my students to make him sing first before they will buy from him. It so happened I stayed inside my classroom today, finishing grades and all. I heard him sing, stood up to see who it was and boy, was I amazed? You betcha! I called him to the back of the room where I was at and asked him a lot of questions, and ended up buying all 34 remaining Munchkins at 2 pesos each for my students to enjoy. 

Anyway, what he answered to all my questions left me in awe. I just wish all students would be enterprising like him. He told me he will not stop selling because the money he gets will go to current projects and some for his college fund. Only at Grade 7, yet, he sees more clearly than some Grade 9 or 4th year students.. This boy will go places.. His dreams will come true.. I thank the Universe in advance for that :-)

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