, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Simple Teachers Day

Simple Teachers Day

>> Friday, October 3, 2014

Our school celebrated Teachers Day since yesterday. But my students in Values Education have started giving surprise treats to their subject teachers and advisers since Monday. It was, after all, a class project for them.  But class project or not, I am glad that the festivities have become very successful. 

It is not only the Grade 9 level who have adopted the surprise, but all the other levels have adapted it as well. That's why yesterday, the school have been very festive. All grade levels have done quite a good job in surprising teachers. From cakes, tokens, flowers, and all others, that has really made a teacher's day. Very good indeed because no teacher was ever left without any surprise.. 

Today, the SBO gave us a simple program at the quadrangle, and gave us tokens, while the snacks and the food was shouldered by the school's MOOE. The program was okay, it was just too warm at the quadrangle. 

We had lunch at the office.. Picture picture while eating, lol.. 

Lunch was a choice between a Pork Meal of Pork Humba, Sotanghon Guisado and rice with Brownie for dessert; and a Chicken Meal of Chicken Curry, Sotanghon Guisado and rice with Brownie for dessert. 

Snacks in the morning and in the afternoon are Egg Sandwich and Banana Loaf with C2 and Coke respectively. I took mine home because we had so much cake in the office, courtesy of Sir Vince, left over from yesterday's pre-Teacher's Day celebration. 

In the afternoon, we had a short program as there were goodies donated by Governor Emano for the Teachers Day raffle. 

Thank you Universe, I was the first one called to win a prize.. yay.. 

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