, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Basa fillet (commonly called Pangasius Fillet)

Basa fillet (commonly called Pangasius Fillet)

>> Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another type of fish that we have been buying since the TS Sendong devastation is this Pangasius Fillet imported from Vietnam. We have plenty of them at our local supermarket. And that is quite a blessing. 

This white fish meat is actually very popular everywhere in the world, not only for its tasty meat, but also because of its cheaper price. And what's really good about this fish fillet is that, it is boneless, so no hassle for the cook or for the eater, lol. 

How we cooked the Pangasius Fillet comes in a variety of recipes. Here are two ways we cooked the Pangasius Fillet. This one below was just sauteed with a little garlic, onions, some chili peppers and other spices.
 There's the breaded fillet which we pan fried..
Of course, there are many other recipes for this kind of fish. One very good ingredient if you prefer light meals, or if you wish to substitute meat in a meat recipe. If you have a recipe to share, do leave them as a comment here, as I am very much interested to know how you cook Basa fillet or Pangasius Fillet.

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