, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Banana Bread Galore...

Banana Bread Galore...

>> Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sorry I was not able to update right away. I had been busy. Anyway, here's one update that will surely leave you craving for bananas and all other recipes with banana as the main ingredient. 

But let's just focus on what my sister made from the bananas that my cousin gave us.. It's Banana Bread--- though some call it, Banana Cake. 

In the course of baking, my sister was able to bake 8 of these babies.. The bananas given to us were actually export quality Dole Bananas, and my golly! There were too many of them. We were told that it will take a month before they can be eaten but 3 weeks after, they were ready. So much bananas and so few of us to eat all of them, so we ended up giving most of them away.. Some of the baked goodies too were given away to friends and family.. That's what I call, sharing blessings.. perhaps next time it will be Golden Eagle gold bullion that we shall share.. That is when luck falls in place after the Chinese New Year. Well, we'll see.

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