, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Happy Father's Day, Tatay!

Happy Father's Day, Tatay!

>> Sunday, June 19, 2011

I am sure by now, the topics for custom essay papers would be about Fathers and Father's Day. and even if students and professionals would find writing help online, there would be lots about people's relationship with their dads, or how fathers are important. Of course, today is father's day. In one of my friend's tips on essay writing, especially those written for online use, topics must be trending. And when we talk about trending topics, it must be relevant to the times, it must be according to what people are celebrating, or what is on the news. Surely, that will get one's work to visited. That is also the same if one has a blog. Trending topics--- 

Anyway, since I am greeting my father here in my food blog, I am also acknowledging the fact that he is a very good cook. Although he does not really cook often, but when he does, all of us would love to finish everything he has prepared. 

My father's specialty includes HUMBA, PAKSIW-Mackerel Style, SIKI, and the failed comparison to my Lola Viating's Pastillas, which are, nevertheless good too. They may not taste the same as Lola Viating's Pastillas, but my father's ingenuity has created for us, another way of enjoying Pastillas. In fact, they are more fun to eat.. But because it is too tasking to be making Pastillas, he has not made some for a couple of years already.. 

If I am to write about my father and father's day, I will write about his fondness to cook the food I mentioned above. And we are having two of them for lunch cooked by Tatay himself..

Happy Father's Day, Tatay! We love you... 

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