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How to Make Cheese Sticks

>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My friend Gigi is insisting that I buy tramadol online for her, as she does not have any card to use. It was such a lengthy conversation that led to my sharing of a simple recipe of Cheese Sticks.. Well, we had lots of Keso de Bola (Cheese Ball) from the New Year yet. For the cheese to be utilized, I made it into something else, which Gigi actually liked while she was visiting some weeks ago.

 First thing to do is slice the cheese in sticks or strips...
 Separate the Lumpia Wrapper and place one in a clean and dry plate...
Place enough strips of cheese and fold.. When wrapping lumpia or any other variations, a teaspoon will do. See how they have been folded below:

 Close the last portion with some water...
 This is also the same method when wrapping Lumpia...

Now, all that is left is for these finished product to be fried in oil, and enjoyed...

Now, would I buy tramadol online for Gigi? I will think about it. To buy tramadol online would be a great decision to make. One must be sure to get the right brand, if not, they may just be wasting their money for nothing..  Anyway, I still wouldn't think that buying non-prescription drugs online is a good idea. It is still safer to buy those that are prescribed by doctors.. at least, whatever happens doctors have a say.

On second thought, maybe Gigi should have her own card to use, not just for this purpose, but for other things she may want to buy online.. I think I better teach her about getting EON from Unionbank instead.. I think that will be a better solution.. Ha.. I can't wait for her to sign up and get her own card. I think she will have a great time buying online with her EON card..


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