, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: YUMMY SUNDAY: PIZZA MISADVENTURES


>> Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lili, Sweet, River and I went to SM today to pay for the ticket reservation of Honey at BDO. We were supposed to go to XU for the Xavier Days but because BDO was already closed when we went there, we headed for SM. So it was goodbye horse ride for the kids.. Instead, they enjoyed their share of their favorite:

Pepperoni (Double for Lili and River)

And Sweet's and mine's fave pizza at Greenwich:

7 Meats & Cheeses (Family for Sweet and Me)

Now, everything would have been okay. We had our favorite foodies in front of us, but the drink:

It was not as good as it should be because they lacked ice cubes. The attendant as well as all the other people at Greenwich SM CDO said that their freezer broke and that they have ordered ice but they were already gone.. Of course, I complained.. Imagine, it was yet 6 pm, no ice for the Four Seasons seems like drinking Calpol with our fave foodies... Oh, and the worst part is not the drink, but the answer of the attendant when I asked where the Pizza server is... Pizza is on the tray but no server, because according to her, they don't have any... So much for serving etiquette...

Anyhow, we managed to enjoy the deal... Then the manager came upon our table and handed us a half full glass of ice cubes, saying that she has managed to get some for us.. Well, that made it all better.. Thank you very much...

After that we shopped for Lili's and River's party shoes and some other stuff for their Christmas party come December 17..

Note: My digicam is still in KODAK Hospital and wont be out till I get a call from them, so I have used some old photos and borrowed some from the web for this post...As proof for this post, instead of photos, here is our receipt, lol...

Paying customers have every right to complain... At least that's what I learned from my stint at CVG...


Kero December 7, 2009 at 6:29 PM  

omg. is that how expensive it is to eat out these days?..

my entry is here

agent112778 December 8, 2009 at 11:43 AM  

:( no ice???!!!!

masarap yung meatlovers nila yum yum kaso bawal na sa akin so i eat less of it or we jaz order the Greenwich Special Overload

my entry is here

have a Great YUMMY Sunday for us:)

Thanx for the Visit :)

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