, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: A GERMAN SHOE SITE TO BEHOLD..


>> Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I was making cookies when Lili called me and asked if she can get to see shoes online. Hmm.. Seems that my little girl shares the same passion as I over shoes.. So I showed her my favorite German Shoe Site... 
If it's Schuhe you are looking for, there's this wonderful site for all those classy and trendy shoes. It's kinda like your German shoe shop online.. They have everything to your heart's content, including those sexy black Stiefel and the trendy and stylish, not to mention, sporty,  Damenschuhe.. Ahh.. I really love seeing them page by page.... They have all top brands like Converse , Timberland ,Chucks and many more... I love shoes and theirs is what any shoe addict can call a shoe heaven, lol.. Browsing through the site is not at all difficult. Although I could not understand the words as they are in German, my translator has provided me the best help to decipher every word. So that explains the words used here, hahaha.. The site may be intended for German audience but because the shoes totally rock, I can't help but browse some more and more.. Funny, I could almost see myself drool over the beautiful creations on display.. I have not seen some of the designs featured in the site. Ahh.. makes my mouth water.. I am totally a shoe addict. Imagine? I could hardly understand the site, yet I stayed on to see more and more designs. As if I can go ahead and pick them up, pay for them and have them wrapped to be given to my own self as a gift for being a good girl..
Hmm.. This reminds me of how I used to behave around shoes.. It doesn't matter where I was, as long as I see a very nice pair and I have the money for it, I buy it... That was when my life was yet revolving around me only, and Lili was not yet in the scene.. Every month I would have at least 3-4 pairs with a bag to match.. Now, I still love shoes but I buy mostly for Lili...hahaha.. And my daughter loves that even more..
Whew.. or should I say, Schuhe.. Schuhe.. Schuhe..
OMG! My cookies are even shaped like shoes.. hahaha.. This is what I get when I think about them so much... wink.. wink.. wink..


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