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Snacking on Something Healthy

>> Sunday, January 17, 2021

Yesterday, I broke my fast a few minutes after my scheduled end. And I thought I should prepare the ingredients for Monday's meal. I actually bought Chicken breasts for the entire week, some fish and Chicken feet for natural source of collagen. No pork and beef for maybe 3 months or so. And vegetables of course. That should always be present in my meals. 

So while I was prepping and placing them in containers for the fridge, I boiled 2 of the Chicken breasts, just to have some Chicken stock and I was actually planning something to do with the boiled Chicken until I had a spur of the moment idea for a healthy snack. 

That's 2 Chicken breast, 2 medium-sized Onions, a head of Garlic, 1/2 cup Garlic Confit including some Olive oil, Himalayan Salt, White Pepper powder, Thyme, Mint and Basil, 4 eggs and 1 1/3 cup of Flaxseed, all mixed together in my food processor.

And then this brilliant idea of baking instead of frying Green Tomatoes, which, by the way, had been in my mind since last week. 
I cut each tomato in 4 slices and placed them on a baking sheet.
Then placed my Chicken and Flaxseed on top. Now, the tricky part is to make the dish yummy, so I thought of CHEESE. Nothing escapes us when there is cheese on it, even when we are on a diet. Hahaha.. 
In a saucer, I mixed Parmesan and Cheddar and dipped (literally) each one on the mix.
It was almost heaven.. See????
I baked at 250 C for 30 minutes. With heat on both top and bottom of my tabletop oven.
And... Tadaaah..
It's surprisingly good. And a healthy snack too. 
Placed the remaining pieces in the fridge, and anytime we, Tr. Grace and I, can snack on them within our eating window. There is also leftover Chicken and flaxseed mix that I am going to also do something with, but I want to do something different with it. That will be posted soon. 

Happy Sunday everyone. Enjoy your day..


Happy Kayin (Karen) New Year

>> Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Today is the new year for the Karen (Kayin) people of Myanmar so we don't have classes today. But, because we need to get ready for classes tomorrow, we still need to prepare a lot of things today. However, a break is necessary, and these are the food we prepared to relax a little bit.. Cooking, baking or preparing food is our way of relaxing.

I made this Strawberry Refrigerator Cake from the Strawberries I saved on the freezer since we could not really eat all of them together with the other fruits.
That's a layer of goodness from ground-up cookies, Strawberry Jam, Strawberries blended with whipped cream topped with another batch of Strawberries blended with whipped cream. See the four layers of yummies in one luscious dessert. 
Second, this Mocha Bread Pudding topped with Strawberries blended with whipped cream and garnishes with Walnuts.
It's super creamy and rich in flavour. 
Teacher Grace made this Banana Bread from the Bananas we saved from our Christmas present from Tr Yadanar. 

We had a healthy lunch today too, made special with the Roasted Chicken ordered from SweetD's Mandalay.It's oh so good. Well, happy new year indeed.. 


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