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Penne in Cheesy Mushroom Tomato Tanigue Sauce...

>> Saturday, May 24, 2014

What I love about pasta is the many ways you can experiment to make a very yummy presentation. Here's what I made today.

We were supposed to hit the beach but there had been some changes to our plan. Hence, a change of recipe.. I was just supposed to make the regular sweet Spaghetti for kids.. 

In this recipe, Penne in Cheesy Mushroom Tomato Tanigue Sauce, I used mushrooms, fresh tomatoes and left-over Tanigue from last night's dinner. Just a small packet of tomato sauce, and lots of cheese. Yum.. 

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Nanay Choleng's Chocoleit Muron

>> Tuesday, April 1, 2014

During our NC Fiesta, the staff of Nanay Choleng's Chocoleit Muron sold some of their fave treat.. and they sold like hotcakes.. In just a few minutes they had to send for more to be delivered on site..

The Muron costs P 22 per piece but the price is right for the quality and taste of the Muron. Plus, it came with this really attractive packaging. It looks clean and presentable that you wouldn't think it's Muron that you have in your stash.. hehehe

My family have always been a fan of Tacloban delicacies, and Muron is just one of them. Here in Cagayan de Oro City, it is always difficult to find the best Muron as it is a food treat that is rooted in another city. We can only get one that's original when someone from Tacloban would visit. But now that Nanay Choleng's Chocoleit Muron is here, we no longer have that unfulfilled craving.. hehehe

We bought two packs for Pasalubong as we were also scheduled to go home to our parents' house in Opol the next day.. 

But of course we had to sample our share at home when we arrived after the NC Fiesta.. The inner part is filled with yumminess.. See the chocolate and peanuts? It's what is missing in all other Muron sold in the city. 

My share is just one bite, considering I am on a special program. But it makes me happy to know that my family is happy with our Pasalubong.. 

Anyway, you can find a stall of Nanay Choleng's Chocoleit Muron in almost all malls in Cagayan de Oro City. Plus they have special sauces to go with your order if you buy from the stalls. They can also be found at the Mercato de Oro.. 

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