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Fruit Salad Ice Candy

>> Tuesday, June 7, 2011

photo shared by Titus Velez.. Thanks Bro.. 
Have you ever seen this guy around the city? He is the original "Salad Oh, Init Pa!-guy".. Yup.. He is. Well, I always asked Kagay-anons if they knew who was the first person to have such unique barking for his food to be sold, as he patiently strides through every nook and cranny of CDO.. I saw him once at the Bingo Hall at Lim Ket Kai and i told my sister about it, but she didn't seem to be interested. Well, he is after all just any other face you see on the streets.. What sets him apart is his Fruit Salad Ice Candy, one that people buy as they get startled, or as they get his full attention after barking, "Salad Oh, Init Pa!"..

Wont he ever rest? Nah, he can't.. His business is doing well at times but who needs to stop just when customers are getting really excited about your product? He can't even simply sit and enjoy  a movie. Not even that at LKKS.. Oh well, if you see him, just buy form him.. The Fruit Salad Ice Candy is actually very good. Very refreshing.. 

Well, you will never miss this dude as he is practically all over the place..

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Having the Best in Your Kitchen

>> Thursday, June 2, 2011

The kitchen is not only a space to prepare your meals and cook or bake them. The kitchen is somehow an extended part of your socialization process, as some kitchen have the capacity to entertain guests and have a great time too. For this purpose, some kitchens are equipped with really good appliances and gadgets. But the most important of all are the sinks.. I read a lot about the most preferred undermount sinks from Mr. Direct. They are not only durable, they are also good looking.. I checked out their site and not only do I find the undermount sink a treasure from them, but also their other sinks.. Quality sinks that come in really affordable prices..  They also have sinks for the bathroom and all other parts of the house.. 

But if you wish your kitchen to be the highlight of all, Mr. Direct sinks should give you enough advantage.. 

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