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Cagayan de Oro City Food Masters Series #1

>> Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In the next posts I shall be introducing you guys to the men and women in Cagayan de Oro City who are instrumental to delicious foods and foodies..To top the bill, we have Celebrity Chefs and successful restaurant owners, bakeshop or cake-shop owners, caterers and even your simple manang foodie and manong foodie, who have successfully made it in the food scene in our city..
I will have a separate post for each of them, but for now, let me go ahead and give you a glimpse of some of them.
First on my list is Chef Edgar Dychauco, or simply known as Chef Ed.  Who wouldn't know this celebrity chef? If you are fond of buying and eating baked goodies from Pots and Pans, then you must have seen him already for he owns the place. I love all their sweet stuff there. Loved them since when I was young.. Uhm.. I am still young, but let me not emphasize on the time frame.. hehehe.. 

Chef Ed has always been on local TV for cooking shows and demos, which I often watch for I always loved to learn about cooking. Apart from television, from time to time you will see him conducting on-site cooking demos, which I appreciate very much, because most of them are free and many people who are interested to learn will really get hands-on information from this very cheerful and creative chef.  I think it's this positive nature of Chef Ed that draws people to love learning from him. HE will never hesitate to answer questions and share his expertise.

And one thing I have noticed is that, Chef Ed  is orderly and neat, whether Chef Ed conducts cooking demos during his television shows or on-site, everything is clean and in proper order-- his ingredients, his demo table as well as his output, and everything else that is used during the set.

I could almost taste his creations now.. Got to end this post here. I am hungry, lol.. 

If you wanna know more about Chef Ed, as well as the other CDO Food Masters, come back and see what I can share next.

(images borrowed from Chef Ed's Facebook photos)

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>> Monday, June 7, 2010

Everyone is crazy about the 2010 FIFA World Cup SOUTH AFRICA. Just the the much awaited match of Manny Paquiao and his opponents, where fans, especially Filipinos, would gather together, and even have a family feast with Lechon as they await and watch the match. But FIFA World Cup fans do more than prepare for food. Some would really go and join the crowd as they watch the matches live in whichever country the FIFA World Cup is hosted. I remember last year, even here in CDO, someone was selling a World Cup Jersey or two.. Original collections that are really very expensive while others, have them made to order at the local jersey makers shops. My cousin in UK bought himself a huge England World Cup Jersey that he took pictures of, with him wearing it and with him holding it, lol.. Alizia, a chat friend from Yucatan, whose boyfriend is a fan, bought a Brazil World Cup Jersey online. 

I could understand these feelings of having a world cup jersey at this season.. Because for a fan, to be wearing the jersey of your favorite team means, that wherever you are in the world, you are still showing magnanimous support for them.

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