, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Leche Flan: 3 Straight Days

Leche Flan: 3 Straight Days

>> Friday, April 10, 2015

My sister had been making Leche Flan for three consecutive days already.. Three days ago, I came home to what's left of her first batch.. She asked me to taste it since she is needing feedback in terms of taste and texture.. The kids love Leche Flan so she can't get anything from them except that they love her Leche Flan, hehehe.. 

Her second batch was a lot smoother already, and we all agreed that it was perfectly done..

Third day, today, my sister's third batch.. 

Enough said, River wants my sister to make him two batches all for himself on his birthday as her birthday gift.. Not to include other batches to serve others, hahahaha.. 

In the mean time, since we have had too much Leche Flan for 3 straight days, we shall refrain from eating sweets for the next few weeks.. Hahaha.. 

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