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High Blood Nights...

>> Friday, July 20, 2012

Last night was one of those nights where we get to sample something that we tried to recreate in our kitchen.  For dinner, we had homemade Crispy Pata and home made Chicharon.

The chicharon was actually made from boiled hard fat that was then deep fried in hot oil. It was seasoned of course. 

The Crispy Pata was cooked in the same principle as the Chicharon, only it's bigger and needed more spices. It should be boiled to make sure that the pork leg/knuckles will not have blood while it will be deep fried. 

After the boiling process, it was cooked for twenty minutes in a pressure cooker, to make the meet soft and chewy. Then the deep frying process to make the skin and meat crispy on the outside. 

Crispy Pata tasted like fried lechon and the chicharon was simply crunchy. These two are the worst nightmare of  some people. But for us, for as long as they were eaten in moderation, then we're okay.. 

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