, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Chef Tony's Popcorn: White Country Cheddar

Chef Tony's Popcorn: White Country Cheddar

>> Sunday, October 23, 2011

We watched a movie last Friday at the LKKS Cinema 4, Shark Night 3D. But before we headed for the movie house, we bought Chef Tony's Popcorn: White Country Cheddar. Actually, we wanted something else, but Chef Tony's Popcorn: Honey Brown didn't have a small tub. The only flavor in a small tub that we liked was Chef Tony's Popcorn: White Country Cheddar, so it was what we bought. 

Unlike the Chef Tony's Popcorn: Belgian Butter Popcorn, with Honey Roasted Walnut, Chef Tony's Popcorn: White Country Cheddar is a little bit salty and sweet. What attracted us though is the promise of the popcorn being Low in Cholesterol, Low Fat and it says, it is a great source of fiber. True or not, we were in it for the flavor actually. 

I didn't have time to take a photo of the popcorn at the movie house as it was dark, so here is what's left of the popcorn after the movie. 

Since it was a small tub, it cost less than the Large Tub. It was sold at only P 110.00, and that's to share. 

Yesterday, my nephew Gian enjoyed the remaining popcorn with Lili while they were playing with the laptop. 

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