, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: The Kid Can Cook

The Kid Can Cook

>> Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our new house-help is eighteen years old but is still in 1st year high school. But it is just okay for as long as she is interested to finish school. She was actually recommended by my cousin's house help and I find her a complete opposite of Manang. Well, for one, Manang can not do anything except do the laundry, talk and talk and talk.. hahaha.. Yeah, she can do errands and perhaps send and fetch Lili to and from school, but not as often as doing laundry. But this new girl, she can do Manang's four day laundry in just two. And she is fast. She comes on time, and leaves before 11 A.M. with all her tasks done. Best thing is, she can cook. But then, around our turf, we do the cooking-- no need for her to do so. But just in case, she can actually feed us decent meals. With this, I am happy. It's like applying water softener to hard water so as not to dry skin and hair. hahaha, sorry for the comparison, but it is true. Thank God Manang is now replaced by someone responsible enough to do her tasks and to have determination to see through her goals in life. 

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