, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Braised Duck Anyone?

Braised Duck Anyone?

>> Friday, November 12, 2010

This auntie does not need to attend cooking classes because all she has to do is slice up the duck and serve it to us with its sauce. But I, on the other hand, would like to ask her for a private cooking class on how to cook braised duck.

That is what we had yesterday at the Bugis Village food court.. Oh well, cooking classes is helpful for all my friends who are in LA. Why? Because they need to. Hehehe.. 

Seriously, learning how to cook a great meal would be such a delight.. Imagine people to wow all your food preparations even before they taste your food. The smell alone is a sign that you have reached a mark in the cooking arena. Add gourmet and baking, ohlala..

Anyway, I learned from a friend who is a chef, that knowing how to cook is one's ticket really. It could be to a great friendship, relationship or even a job. Hehehe.. Take it from one of Asia's finest chefs.. He woed his wife, then girfriend, and after three home cooked meals served in candle light, she said yes to the marriage proposal..  Whirlwind romance ei? Not quite.. Lady in Red screams for more lovey dovey after a meal or so.. Way to go..

Going back to the braised duck, which we devoured, Honey and me. It was perfect. I never thought Duck meat could be tender and flavorful. The last time we cooked a duck at home, it took us forever to make the meat tender. Of course, we had a lot of help from the crock pot, hehehe..

Our next agenda would be the Clay Pot Rice with a different flavored bird. I wonder how we'd be able to leave Singapore.. If we get left behind by the plane, I am sure we wuld then be able to fly.. Since day one, we have been eating bird, hahaha.. Wings are growing at my back--- see them lah.. hahaha

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