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When in MOGCHS

>> Saturday, July 24, 2010

The canteen in MOGCHS is known for its cheap and filling snacks. When students go hungry, for a mere ten (P 10.00), they can already  take a snack. They can have a delicious shake and toasted bread. I have tasted the two and they are fine. Food servers and tenants at MOGCHS know it for a fact that most students can not afford to buy goodies so they have made alterations and alternatives. Take this vendor for example. 

She shells shakes at P 3, P 5 and P 10, depending on the size of the cup. Her foodies include a cheap pizza, that is already tasty at P 10. She has sandwiches and her latest is this Ham and Cheese Sandwich sold at P 10.00, which is actually called as "Burger" by the students. 
A little cheese, a little ham and lots of mayo. Some students prefer ketchup with it. Add a P 5 or P 10 shake and you're good to go.. 

It's really not a bad idea to scrimp on some ingredients if only to allow students to have a filling snack that they can afford. Aside from these examples, there are also other goodies that students may be thankful for. Viands at P 3, P 5 P 10 and P 15 which of course will vary to the dish. Drinks and all others considered, are also priced accordingly. Another discovery is food luxuries, like flavored popcorn and all others. At MOGCHS canteen, you can buy Cheese flavored or BBQ flavored popcorn for only P 10.. The same quantity as that of the P 35 Cheese Popcorn that you can buy at the malls, except that it is only placed in brown paper with no label whatsoever..

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