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Buddy Gancenia Videos: Truly Inspiring!

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

It's my friend Lizzy's birthday next month and her wedding day is set on the same day as well. We are now at the orange house to finalize the food that will be catered by another friend of ours, as well as the food that she'd like me and her sister to prepare. It's actually a simple family and friends wedding of sorts, where the reception will only be held at their home in Pueblo. Anyway, while I was whipping us the snacks, Prizzy and Lizzy are busy website hopping. Of course, it's me who suggested to look at the net for reference. We always find good ideas over the Internet. So they found the website below:

We all know that Buddy Gancenia is one of the best corporate, events, wedding videographer in the Philippines. He is known for his great talent and skill in making a corporate video as well as a great wedding video. I was talking to my friend Lizzy about how she wants her wedding video to be done and of course, I had to mention to her the great videos I saw on you tube. Of course, they are Buddy's as well. When it is Buddy Gancenia, you are assured of the best video coverage.

See the video below:

Anyway, it took like forever to decide on the food. But with the video coverage, Lizzy have already fallen for the craft of Buddy Gancenia.. Imagine her, a tall brown eyed lady with an almost strict expression, crying over the video we saw above.. Even my hearty egg salad and cheese sandwiches were not able to stop her, lol..


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