, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: SINUGBA TA DIHA... (Lets eat Charcoal Roasted Fish...)

SINUGBA TA DIHA... (Lets eat Charcoal Roasted Fish...)

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This here is a great Filipino tradition. From the time of our forefathers, this recipe has already been prepared. So long as there is fire and there is fish, you can have this dish. Although at present, there have already been a lot of variations. Like, I prefer to have mine with all the spices placed inside the tummy of the fish, while juices from prepared spices are spread and massaged all over the body (including the head) of the fish, before it is being cooked... that my friends is so yummy...


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