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Rice Cooker Chocolate Cake in Choco Caramel Sauce with Peanuts on Top

>> Saturday, November 7, 2015

I have been hearing reviews and seeing a lot of food blogs about Rice Cooker goodies.. So we set out to create something ourselves. My sister wanted to try the Rice Cooker Chocolate Cake, so she and the kids played with flour, chocolate and all other ingredients.. and placed the batter unto the rice cooker..

It was quite challenging.. when it was done, a part of the cake got messy.. so I told my sister to just cover it with Choco Caramel Sauce.. 

Of course, I did the sauce on an improvised double boiler.. 

Spread the sauce on top the cake and set it aside to cool. And the remaining sauce, well... you could just imagine the kids' excitement and chocolate just makes them, and us, lol.. go gaga.. 

I was out most of the day after that, and when I got home, I was served with Rice Cooker Chocolate Cake in Choco Caramel Sauce with Peanuts on Top.. 

Tada... Taste test.. yum yum. 

Chewy, crunchy, tasty, creamy.. yummy!

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Consumerism Forum

>> Friday, November 6, 2015

Today, ten of us from our school, four from our department, were sent to attend the Consumerism Forum, organized by the Department of Trade and Industry. On official business, memorandum signed by our Principal and Schools Division Superintendent. 

What I love about this forum is that, the speakers are truly competent and the information they shared is truly useful for us as consumers, and of course, very good information to pass on to our students as well. Never too late, even if Consumer Month has ended in October. There were 100 of us in total, 50 from Misamis Oriental Division and 50 from the Cagayan de Oro City Division. The target of the forum is to inform teachers so teachers in turn, shall pass on the information to students. Speakers were from the Department of Energy, National Food Authority, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources,  and of course, from DTI.

What I most love about this is that, there is overflowing coffee.. yay.. Best to match with the Spaghetti and Bread, although they served a bottle of soft drink to match.

Lunch was superb.. hahaha.. 

We got second helpings of the Fish Fillet and Beef dishes.. 

Watermelon and Pineapple for dessert.. 

Another cup of coffee afterwards.. 

For snacks, two variants were served.. I was first served with this Bread, which was quite good, but I didn't opt to eat this..

Instead, I exchanged my snack with a slice of Marble Cake, which is not quite sweet. So good with coffee.. hahahaha

But juice was served, so I took the juice.. 

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