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Some Getting Pregnant Tips

>> Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eat a banana everyday and you stay happy. Potassium makes you happy. When you are happy, everything falls in place. Eat an apple and you'll be okay for the rest of the day. Eat an orange and you'll be safe from colds.. This and the many reminders that we hear from time to time. But sometimes, they just don't fit in the challenges that we face. Like, you can not tell a person with a specific problem to eat this or that and the problem will immediately go away. In the same as there aren't any magic beans or potions to cure any ailments. Rather, it takes time for a cure to be developed and lots of study to consider. We need to understand what we are going through before we can conclude something. 

Just like when you have PCOS, it might seem like the world is working against you in your struggle to get pregnant. That’s because, when you have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome, your body is actually producing too many male hormones, and they are counteracting your female hormones, making it harder to get pregnant. Luckily, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS. According to, one of the best things to do for your fertility when you have PCOS is make sure that you are maintaining a healthy weight. Being overweight is a very common symptom of PCOS, and it makes getting pregnant much harder. Doctors recommend losing as much weight as you can, but say that a weight loss of as little as five to ten pounds can really boost fertility. Make sure that your diet includes plenty of organic fruits and veggies, lean meats, low fat dairy and, whole grains to keep your body as healthy as possible. Things like fast food, overly processed foods, sugary snacks, and foods with little to no nutritional value should be avoided when trying to conceive with PCOS. If you pay close attention to your weight when you have PCOS, you will be doing yourself a favor and making conception much easier. 

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>> Monday, December 8, 2014

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