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Spicy Sausage and Tomato Macaroni

>> Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's a rainy afternoon and I feel like it's perfect for a selfmade recipe.. The kids love pasta, so I cooked them some pasta for merienda..

I actually used two kinds of home made sausages which are sold by co-teachers at our school. I sauteed onions and garlic using sesame oil before adding the sausages, mincing them in the process.. 

When the sausages were cooked evenly, I added cubed tomatoes. And continued sauteing. Added some spices: Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Black Pepper, Spanish Paprika, Cayenne Pepper and more sesame oil.

Before I started preparing cooking the sausages and tomatoes, I have already boiled the pasta to which I added sesame oil and some spices. When the pasta was half cooked, I removed it from heat and started cooking the sausage and tomatoes. 

I added the pasta to the sausage and tomatoes mix, and below is the end result. Before serving, I added some more of the spices used, plus two tablespoon of mustard. 

I guess this is what is called cheating.. I finished a saucerful of my recipe, lol..

But I had my usual tea, instead of the ice cold coke that everyone else in the house had.. 

So this is truly a celebration for me huh? Hahahaha.. I can imagine myself playing mitchell lurie clarinet reeds.. Hahaha.. Happiness!

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Because It's The 3rd Month..

I have not been eating what are deemed "bad" for the diet program that I am in. But today is a special day so I gave myself a chance to eat some.

Our compound have this huge Mango Tree with huge Mangoes that are quite many these days. We were lucky to have been given some by our landlord, so the household enjoyed a plateful.. but of course, in my case, just one tiny bit was all I have rewarded myself. 

It was quite long time already that I have not eaten Green Mango. Mangoes are not good for my diet, whether it's ripe or unripe because of the high glycemic content of the said fruit. 

For lunch, my household enjoyed the Lamb cooked Adobo-style by my sister, and I also rewarded myself by eating some tiny bits. I am not sure if lamb or even goat meat are good or bad, but I just couldn't take the risk. A tiny portion is all I needed just for taste, and I feel I am okay. 

Today marks the 3rd month of my diet program, and because I have lost 32.8 lbs in the 3 months that I have been religiously using the products and the meal plan, I am convinced that in the next few months, achieving the 106 lbs goal will be easy.. I am 91.4 lbs away but I have the best products, and the best coaches, so what more can I ask for? I just need to invest in this program as much as I am investing in myself. 

Yes, good health and proper nutrition is attainable, though temptations are there every so often, still, it boils down to discipline. I can do it! And it's gonna be worth it in the end!

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