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Holy Week Food Challenge: Black Saturday

>> Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We woke up early for an early trip to El Salvador to visit the Divine Mercy Shrine.  We saw that another structure will soon rise, a community church. 
After our visit, we went straight to Gaisano Bulua for grocery shopping. If there was a healing mass, our stay at Divine Mercy would have been longer, but due to the Lenten Schedule, the ordinary schedule was not followed. 

 Although it was Black Saturday yet, we bought MEAT: Chicken, Beef and Pork. And as soon as we arrived at my parent's place, we cooked them in preparation for the Feast of San Vicente Ferrer which fell on the same day as Easter Sunday. We also cooked Nilagang Baka for our viand for lunch of Black Saturday. I guess you could say that lunch and all the way through all meals that day and the next, we had meat.. and more meat..

Except the chips that we bought, lol..

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Holy Week Food Challenge: Good Friday

Good Friday came without Internet connection for me, so it is only now that I have been able to update. We didn't have "Binignit", but we had sweetened or candied bananas. I didn't prepare binignit because we planned of going to my parent's new place, the alternative place that is. 

So when we got there, that was what greeted us. Yummy dessert. We had lunch here at the apartment and I actually prepared three types of fish recipe. Fish Fingers, Fish Fritters and Fish Chips.. The difference is in the size of the fish fillet used, as well as the batter. 

I actually used the same fish, Pangasius that we bought frozen from the supermarket. My friend Debbie was able to buy some with tiger direct coupons, and she saved a lot.

In the evening, we had the left over food from the apartment, some dilis, and Fried Tulingan. A few hours after dinner, we had ice cream.. 

Well, that's our NO MEAT Good Friday... How was yours?

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