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The Poor Man's Bangus Belly Soup..

>> Tuesday, January 24, 2012

After TS Sendong has devastated our city, we have not been able to eat fish because we were afraid of buying fish. Let alone, what we could see in its belly... But then, one day, we just couldn't take eating pork, chicken and beef alternate with the canned goods that we have plenty of. So one time, we decided to buy Century Bangus Belly. It's quite pricey if you compare it with the fresh Bangus that our supplier always sell to us. But even our supplier have temporarily stopped her fish business after TS Sendong passed through... 

Well, here's what we did with the Bangus Belly. Some soup minus the vegetables to go with it.. We didn't have any vegetable to go with the soup. Some cabbage or Petchay would have been perfect. You could say it's a poor man's Bangus Belly Soup, since it lacked some of the ingredients, lol.. 
Anyhow, it was still a pretty good soup.. We just love how Bangus Belly is when cooked this way. Other recipe would call for steamed Bangus Belly, or Baked Bangus Belly. Well, maybe next time. So far, after Sendong, we have only been able to buy frozen and prepacked fish. I so miss the fresh ones--- Well, it's better that nothing at all. On a lighter note, do you know that when i looked for wind spinners online, all I have been seeing are milk-fishes hanging by threads of different colors? Am I hallucinating or just day dreaming? hahaha...

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Crazy Over Dodol...Special Dodol...

>> Saturday, January 21, 2012

Here's one treat that I think I have already posted about in the previous posts. I am posting this again because this one is quite different from the previous treat I tasted.. 
Last week, my mom came home with this yummy treat from her office mate. This is a huge special dodol. Special indeed because this is not too sweet or too oily. The taste is quite different from previous dodols I have tasted. 
Dodol is actually a treat more common among our brothers and sisters of Islamic faith here in Mindanao. At least the kind that I am featuring here on this blog. It's a sweet treat they serve during celebrations customary to their faith. Of course, when it is served, it shall be placed in grandiose dishes befitting the occasion.  The taste and texture is quite similar to a hardened Calamay, the treat that Bohol is famous for. But if you go to Cebu, a certain place there serves Calamay that is hardened, much like the dodol.. So in a way, Dodol and Calamay are quite similar.

Anyhow, if you search about Dodol online, you will learn that there are many different kinds of Dodol. 

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