, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures

No House Help, So Let it Be?

>> Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's been two weeks of not having a house helper. My sister and I take turns doing everything in between our busied schedules. We just have to make time, or else. Times like this, I keep wishing House cleaning Clifton is just around the corner that I can get someone to come over and help us. My sister wakes up earlier than her usual schedule so she can wash some clothes and I cook, at the same time prepare for my daughter's needs before going to school. My goodness! We have been losing sleep, as we sleep late for our tasks to be finished.

Then my daughter, over the weekend volunteered to help out by fixing her toys, and folding some of the newly washed and dried clothes.  In her simple way, she has contributed to help out. What a fine girl! So to reward her for good behavior, I gave her her prize. 

Asked for Fries, and Fries she got.. Now, our motto: No House Help, So Let it Be! We can manage after all. 

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What's Cooking?

>> Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gosh! I almost forgot about my meme. Hehehe.. From My Kitchen had not been running for a week now. Well, maybe it should stop altogether, then maybe I will revive it again someday.. There are many reasons, and I would perhaps go into calendar printing, should I enumerate them, lol.. Kidding aside, I would very much run the meme weekly but I feel it is funny because only a few people would participate in it. Then it hit me. Even I was not able to do it for reasons that I was busy myself, and had not done any cooking for a week. So this morning, as I was frying Lumpia and cooking Omelet, I laughed at myself, as I remembered FROM MY KITCHEN. So this post was done.. hehehe

So here is what I have prepared today. Omelet for breakfast.. 

This is actually a simple dish that is composed only of eggs and meatloaf. Mashed the meatloaf and blended it with 3 eggs. Fried it to golden perfection, and voila! Yummy Omelet. The next dish is prepacked Lumpia that I fried for snacks, and perhaps part of lunch later on. 

My aunt gave us this Lumpia to try. If we like it then we can order for P 120 a pack. But of course, we can always make our own. I love the taste of the Lumpia though. It has veges and meat and the flavor is just right for everyone's taste buds.. At least to the three of us.. 

So what have you FROM YOUR KITCHEN?

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