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Halloween Preps

>> Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's still months before Hallow's eve, where people have fun during Halloween and Halloween invitations are given days before a Halloween party, but Lili and I have already chosen her Halloween costume..  and I have also researched about some Halloween treats to serve.. Well, I am not really sure if the kids will have a Halloween party like that at Lifetime Study Center in their new school, where they celebrate the school's foundation day and have costumes and fun days before the Halloween.. Anyway, if they won't have any party, I am sure Lili can use her costume for a different party, as it is after all a Princess costume..

For the food ideas, I can actually give them to a friend of mine who sells cupcakes for a living.. I am sure they can help her out.. but then again, we can actually have that great party too.. 

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Soup's On..

Tinola is technically known as soup. It could be fish or chicken or pork or even seafoods like shrimps or squid, or whatever you fancy that is fresh.. Here in the Philippines, there are very many ways to make soup, but Tinola is one that prevails and is easy to make.. The ingredients are readily available anywhere, so it won't be much of a problem. 

Here are two ways for you to do so...

This first one is frying the fish, or anything you choose,  first before putting into the boiling water.. 

fry in low heat, with just a little oil
 You can either fry it first or have a coating-- it depends on your liking..
dredge the fish first in flavored flour, 
The other way is to have water boiling first, then drop fresh fish, chicken or whatever you like, directly into the pot.. Have it flavored and add leafy greens..

Another way to cook tinola or the soup known to many in Mindanao and Visayas as Sabaw Bisaya, is simply vegetables cooked in boiled water, with no meat whatsoever..  Still, it is good for the body..

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