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Popcorn and Movies..

>> Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Whenever we watch movies, whether in theater houses or at home, we always like to have popcorn and some nuts and drinks.. It could be gourmet popcorn or flavored popcorn or even specialty popcorn. But most times, it's just the regular popcorn that you can pop in the microwave or pop in a kettle.. Ah.. It will always be a delight to eat them.. 

When we were kids, we usually have Friday nights as movie marathon nights, where my mom would prepare before hand some chips, popcorn and  cold soda.. We would then watch non-stop action of FPJ and all other Filipino and foreign action stars.. It was fun. These days, we watch NOT as a whole family, but usually with the kids or adults only or both, though incomplete.. It is still fun.. But we seldom watch movies in the movie houses as the tickets have soared so high already.. The last movie we watched at the movie house was Red Riding Hood and Lili and River had fun watching it with me.. Although they spent so much time in the washroom, lol... 
I have lots of movies in my laptop, that we watch them whenever we can, granted we have the chance to do so or they can watch them on their own, while I am out.. And the popcorn somehow always triggers the mood for watching said movies.. I dunno why it does it so.. hehehe

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Hulagway sa Kinabuhi: Letrang K

This is my third time to join this meme... and this time it's letter K in the Binisaya alphabet... I have two things to share because somehow they are related.. The KAKANIN below is what every Filipino would crave for.. On this plate, we have Puto, Suman and KUTSINTA, my all time favorite....

My sister on the other hand, would avoid them, lest she will be selling all her KARSONES (pants) when they no longer fit her, just like this one below... Levis jeans for sale... used a couple of times only...
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