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Food and Culture

>> Friday, November 12, 2010

This Singapore trip is fattening despite the fact that we keep walking from all directions. Food is everywhere, and ironically, there are also an abundant supply of women's dresses that do not seem to fit me, lol.. Such displays for shorter and much petite women. Frustrating as it may seem but, I take it as a sign that I need to scrimp on teh food to give room to shopping--- wahahaha..

On second thought, we are here to assimilate the culture and be one with the people. And food is, after all, a part of cultural heritage and somehow it is in food where the uniqueness of a people are noticed. So we went our way sampling different foods here and there. Malay food, Indonesian Food, Chinese and of course, the local delicacies that abound. I got to taste the difference in food that speaks clearly of the difference in cultural heritage. For instance, the Rojak from an Indian/Malay restaurant compared to a Singaporean shop. 

Which is better?

They are actually the same in weight.. Differs in color, texture and ingredients.. The Malay/Indian Rojak is more like a viand, while the Singaporean is like a snack cum appetizer. Although, I find the Singaporean Rojak to be better because of the peanuts and the vegetables in it---

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Lola's Food

>> Thursday, November 11, 2010

The image above was taken during the Deepavali celebration here in Singapore, where we took the holiday as a time for our relatives to meet and bond. I have mentioned this in a revious post on this blog, and well, last week was a blast. This evening Lola Linda and Tito Noel left with Auntie Vicky and Uncle Alex for a cruise. A relaxation cruise to be exact. Well, business people need this as a breather, I hope the four of them will finally be able to relax.
From the day we celebrated Deepavali cum reunion, we have been teasing Lola Linda to enjoy the online games first, and enjoy the real deal when cruise comes.. And with that teasing she would tell us how magical the roulette was, especially when she was winning.. That and well, topic changes into what food she is to eat during the cruise. See, Lola Linda is a diabetic who is self injecting her medicines from Hong kong, as being a Hong Kong resident, her medicines are well provided for by the Hong Kong government. Her personal assistant, or house help would simply prepare her food and take care of the rest.

Anyway, Lola specified that she would like to bring her own vegetable dishes for their cruise, so Grace, her assistant busied herself for two days preparing them..

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