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Not Too Much Feasting

>> Thursday, October 28, 2010

I guess I have finally understood what it meant when people avoid food and feasts. Perhaps, after all the eating and merry making, comes the quest for the best diet regimen, or the best exercise, or food to lose the extra pounds. Not only for aesthetic reasons but for health as well. I have a friend who always as what diet pills really work, and I previously can not tell her anything mainly because at that time, I didn't take any. It is only now that we are avoiding dangerous foods here in the house. And it is only now that I am taking diet pills. Our party foodies are regulated as much as limited. Not too much feasting because they ruin the health..

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How to Dress a Native Chicken

Delicious, isn't it? That is the ever tasty Native Chicken Tinola. All natural flavor, all natural ingredients. Filling, delicious. But of course, one need to know that to derive food from Chicken, the chicken had to be slaughtered. It is quite a pitiful fate for the Chicken. Pitiful because it had to endure all the hardships before it is killed and before it can make a great meal of its very meat..
It starts with starvation for a couple of hours to make  the internal organs manageable enough to clean later on. Then more pain as its neck being is being slit to let blood out into a bowl to keep the blood fresh and clean. 
If there is only one person doing the killing, then the chicken will have to experience being stepped on while its neck is split..
If there are two people doing this task, it is easier as the legs and wings will simply have to be clipped all together for it to not escape. But in the photo here, the legs and wings were stepped on.

Most often, when the chicken is no longer living, its body is tilted for more blood to come out. In the olden times, Filipinos get a little form this bowl of blood and draws a cross with it on a birthday celebrant's forehead. That is somehow connected to our cultural belief that spirits also dwell among the living.

 This bowl of blood can be used as blood for chicken Dinuguan, or in the case of this recipe, was included as one of the parts of the chicken that everyone will appreciate to take off the feathers....
Anyway, when all else is in order, and the chicken is already lifeless, it is then submerged into a basin of  hot water or newly boiled water is poured over the chicken.
 Then the dressing process takes place..

Feathers removed may still be used according to one's creativity.. And washing means, no more feathers as well as unnecessary chicken parts..
This process may be done so many times, then in the end, it will make our chicken meal a very delicious as well as clean and safe dish..
And of course, when there are no more feathers left, it is about time to have the chicken cleaned in the inside and all other matter that's in its outer  covering..

To totally remove the feathers, rub rock salt unto the chicken and continue rubbing until no feathers are left. Rinse the chicken to finalize the cleaning process. When you are already sure that the chicken is really clean already, the it's time to chop the whole chicken into your recipe's desired cut..
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