, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures

The Brain Needs Rest

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do you know how to activate right brain thinking? That said part of the brain is for creative thinking. And if you know how to boost intelligence in creativity, it would surely benefit you all the way. Being creative is not limited to the arts and art appreciation, it entails a whole lot more. In fact, being creative can enhance whatever aspect of life that can somehow make a difference in the world..


deal with distractions

Can you possibly enumerate workplace distractions in your office? Because if you can, then you will be able to deal with distractions thereat. And when you do, work output and productivity will surely rise and work flow becomes automatically fast and effective. If distractions and interruptions are eliminated, or if they are non existing in the office, the workforce will have more time spent for the job.


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